Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stories of Reb Volf Greenglass

Please email your stories and anecdotes from R' Volf
A few stories to start the trend - please share yours. These stories were shared by bochurim and students around the world.

  1. When I first met Reb Volf, I introduced myself by saying "Sholom Aleichem Rabbi Greenglas" he answered "Ich Bin Nisht Kein Rabbi" What should I call you I asked "Ruf Mir Volf" was his humble reply.
  2. I once asked him if he remembers the Geulah of Yud Beis Tamuz " Nein, Ich bin ersht geboron in Tzadik Vov" he replied (in Hayom Yom it says that Chasidim considered their birthday to be the day they first saw the Rebbe).
  3. Reb Volf was also very sharp/witty During his weekly Tanya Shiur, he told a Bochur to close the window because there was too much noise coming in from the street. "R' Volf, it's hot in here" The Bochur protested. "Nu, un vos geist du tohn in Gehinom" Reb Volf replied with a smile on his face.
  4. There was a bochur wearing a GAP sweatshirt Reb Volf looked at him made with his face and said "ess shatyt vehau hadvarim haeleh asher anochi metzavecho hayom al levovvecho, UBBer nish G-A-P al Livovcha!!!" I remember this liked yesterday. Just his sharpness and wit could inspire someone to his bone.
  5. How many people do YOU think about every day? Or say at least a few times a week?
    Reb Volf is a person who I think about very often. Why? Because of the gentle and loving way he would encourage every talmid. "Hastu heint gezugt tehilim?" He would ask me. "Uber mit a hitel un rekkel?"
    Since then, every time I'm sitting during davening and my Talis is not on my head, Reb Volf come to mind and I put that Talis back over my head.
    That's just one dugma of the deep imprint this great, great Yid has on his talmidim.
  6. When he saw me coming to shul holding my teffilin bag by the corner he came over to me and told me I have to hold it under my arm and close to my heart. It shouldn't be treated like a peckel- shopping bag.
  7. If he saw someone talking in middle of kaddish, his finger would go into his mouth and he would say "aah"...
  8. When bochurim left their hats and jackets on the bima he would clear them off saying a bima is not a place to hang your clothing.
  9. His davening lasted long after the minyan was finished Friday night and he would come to the bochurim's shabbos meal after and tell bochurim to put on hats and jackets.
  10. His tanya shiur was very very entertaining...
  11. His Quebecer niggun and merry go round niggun are montreal zal classics.
  12. Reb Volf used to walk around making sure we were learning during seder and not talking.
  13. He did not appreciate being called a mekubal. He was a baal yisurim b'gashmius yet always had a witty remark.
  14. Reb Volf had a way of looking at you that seemed to pierce you to your very core...especially when he used to ask his famous questions about saying brochos, or putting on Rabbeinu Tam etc...the only other person who had that look was the Rebbe himself...I remember a friend of mine who was asked one of those questions by Reb volf z"l, and for whatever reason, (maybe he was embarrassed) he lied and said he did it...(I knew he hadn't but didn't say anything) I remember reb volf looking at him for another moment sadly, yet with hope in his eyes, giving him a chance to say the truth, and then he walked away...REB VOLF NEVER ASKED THAT BOCHUR ONE OF "HIS" QUESTIONS (that I saw) FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR......
  15. Once, R' Volf approached a bocher by seder chassidus in the morning, asking if he said birchas hatorah in the morning.The bochur didn't answer,and wondered, thinking that it was obvoius,that he always said broches in the morning.He then realized that actually that day he got to Birchas ha Torah, and for whatever reason,he didn't finish it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Reb Velvel Greenglass was my mothers uncle. I only met him a few times and he always had a smile that warmed my heart and soul. The Rebbe was the only other person I knew that had that smile. he was a gentle giant and I will miss him dearly.
