Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A yungerman

Although I was not zoche to be a talmid of his, here are some stories I had collected over time, related by R' Volff. יהיו לעילוי נשמתו.

~ Reb Zalman Zezmer said:"der vos ken nit halten der machshova fertzen sho'oh nochanand, iz nit b'geder odom"..

~ When the Rebbe would distribute Matzos before Pesach, he gave someone a matzah shleima for another fellow, who lived in a different place. The chosid was only going to travel there after Pesach, and thus told the Rebbe, "But I won't see him till after Pesach.."
The Rebbe answered, "Der Matza iz gut oich fahr noch Pesach.."

(- B'shem R' Volff. Brought in "Hagada K'Hilchasa" (R. YY Katz, rechovot, 5770. Probably from a Kfar Chabad. I'll just add, to note, that in sifrei halacha and kabbala, they mention a segula for taking Matza, or especially afikoman, on journeys. On one of the Rebbe's visits to Gan Yisroel, he brought along matza, and distributed it – as well – to those who had been in an accident, and the matzav improved greatly – see בנאות דשא).

~ I heard the following, from a shliach (Yossi C.), who learned in Montreal zal 5750-5752:
He mentioned a mayseh'leh he had with R' Volf, on a Friday night seder haYeshiva. It was winter time, when Friday is short and very snowy, and he came back from Mivtzoyim all tired, and fell asleep by Seder Sichos Friday night.

R' Volf walked over from the other side of zal, and woke him up, "du Bist a Shomer Shabbos?" He didn't know what to say, and R' Volf continued, "if you're sleeping, you're Not "shomer" the shabbos.." R' Volf also told him then, that the tzivui in Torah of "menucha" is "..your shor, your chamor" - so if a human sleeps on shabbos, he's on the darga of a beheima..

~ A unique vort from R' Volff:
The Rebbe says in many Sichos that the Geulah of Yud Beis – Yud Gimmel Tamuz is in fact the Geulah of Toras HaChassidus for Klal Yisroel and even the Geulah of Yidishkeit for Klal Yisroel.

As we know that as an outcome of the liberation, the Friediker Rebbe left Russia and arrived in America followed by the Rebbe’s arrival in America, which obviously brought Torah and Yidishkeit to “חצי כדור התחתון" through the thousands of Shluchim worldwide.

In our unique style we can see this story alluded to in Balak’s words in the beginning of the Parsha:

הנה עם יצא ממצרים – behold the nation has gone out of Mitzraim – the Chassidim have gone out of their limitations and boundaries.

הנה כסה את עין הארץ – behold they have covered the earth – the Chassidim went out on Shlichus and literally covered the globe, totally transforming it.

והוא – and they are – and what is their strength?
ישב ממלי – יוסף/יצחק (פריעדיקער רבי), שלום בער (רבי רש"ב), מנחם מענדל (בן) לוי יצחק (הרבי נשיא דורנו)
– the three generations hinted in the word מיד that the Rebbe says have a connection to us in regards to the Geulah.

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