Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yerachmiel Forer

I saw your request on COL and I will write a couple of personal occurrences that I had the Zchus to have with Reb Volf when I learned in Montreal in the year 5749

1. He told me that when he was a bochur he was a big "letz" the friedike Rebbe once called him over and told him before he says anything he should think it over twice. His eyebrows went up as he said "since that day he never said anything without thinking twice".

2. once I was sitting in the Zal with my head down, he asked what's wrong? I said "ich hub a kup vaitug" with his quick wit he immediately responded "efsher it vail do hust aza groise masa oif dine kup" (I needed a haircut badly).

3. I was learning with Avremi Berns in early cheshvan and Reb Volf came into the Zal with his fur winter hat. Avremi called Reb Volf over to our table and told him he saw a sign that it will be a long cold winter, Reb Volf very excitedly told him to go on, what was the sign? He pointed to Reb Volf's hat and said that Reb Volf is already wearing his winter hat! Reb Volf laughed heartily and then told us to continue learning.

4. I witnessed him in the mikva admonishing some bocherim who were going to the mikva without taking a shower. He chased them in to the shower and told them they need to wash with soap and shampoo and that being chasidish also means being clean.

5. During evening seder I decided to review a letter from the Frierdike Rebbe that I had learned previously. The letter was the story of the alte rebbe's son Moshe, I had learnt it but couldn't find it (I probably wasn't even sure which Rebbe wrote it) So I was looking through some sefarim (igros) to see if I can find it. Reb Volf came over and asked what I was looking for. I told him a letter, he asked which letter? I told him it's the story of the Alte Rebbe's son Moshe and I think the frierdike Rebbe wrote it. His eyes lit up as he said not only do I know of this letter, the letter "iz geshriben tzu mir!" he had met a descendant of Moshe and told the frierdike Rebbe who wrote him a letter to give to this individual.

Please publish a book about him!

Yerachmiel Forer

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